Sunday, 15 November 2015

Helvetica - film opinions

No matter what you're opinion in Helvetica is, you can't deny the impact it has had. Before watching 'Helvetica', I knew little about the history of the typeface. After watching, I now can't go anywhere without noticing it in so many different contexts.
What I learnt from the film was just Helvetica has come to represent a period of modernism and idealism. It's come to represent a period of change in design, whether that's for better or worse.
One could argue that it's simplicity has allowed the typeface to resonate with so many different people  due to the multiple interpretations it holds. Yet others have argued it's this simplicity which has made it boring. It has become a default font used by too many people, with designers ignoring the  chance to start experimenting again. The mass use of Helvetica has begun to symbolise the surge of globalisation and consumerism, which come with negative connotations. However, although I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, I do believe it may be time to start developing new ideas for typefaces once again.
Overall, what I enjoyed most about the film was learning how typesfaces can be a way of communicating ideas, and seeing how passionate designers can be about this.

Favourite quote:"typefaces are my friends"; I do believe I will be saying this in 10 years time!

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